Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Medium is the Message Assignment

Upon reading the article "The Medium is the Message is the Medium" I was a little perplexed. Perhaps this is a little beyond my understanding and knowledge at this current time, and what I did get out of it might not be correct, but hey let's go for it.

What stuck out to me was the following statement, "the idea that society can't function without the media and that media exist to serve the needs of society".  Upon reflection of myself and fellow peers it does seem apparent we can't survive with out the ease of access we now have to all forms of media. It is as simple as asking SIRI where something is to browsing Facebook when our husband is playing video games to pass the time. We have become so used to the easiness of daily tasks it would baffle many in our generation to look up an address of a place of business using a phone book and a map.

Another observation I made while reading this article is the importance of the medium of the message we are receiving. Visuals such as pictures and videos can convey intended emotions far more than a print article in a newspaper or magazine. Depending on what the message is that we wish to convey to the general public will largely determine the specific media we will use.

I look forward to what my fellow peers have to say about this subject in order to increase my understanding.