Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The social interface- group app

ok here is the last interface I created for our app.  This is what the instant message screen will look like within the social aspect of our app. this allows for users to chat with those who are close in the community and ask for tips and ingredients

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Group App Creation- First 3 interfaces

Here are the first of the user interfaces I created for our meal master app. The first is of the loading screen. The second is the menu screen with options for the social, recipes, inventory, help, scanner, and favorites within our app. The third is what the scanner will look like along with a menu containing the options of adding the foods scanned to the inventory as well as a calorie counter option for meals. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Audience for App

Sara is newly married and a full time college student. She is trying to balance maintain the household for her newly formed family, work a part time job, and survive her large school load while maintaining a high GPA. Since Sara and her husband both only have part time jobs and go to school full time they have a very minimal food budget. She is also very inexperienced with cooking and coming up with new tasteful meals. She tends to let food go to waste because she has very limited knowledge on varieties of meal options. It is hard for her to even find time to go to the store let alone find the cheapest option.

Meal Master will help Sara come up with new tasty menu ideas, help her create the dish step by step, give her options based on the ingredients she already has in her fridge, and always help her to find the cheapest option. The social media aspect of the help will help her connect to others in the community and help her newly formed family get settled and adjust to married life.