Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The social interface- group app

ok here is the last interface I created for our app.  This is what the instant message screen will look like within the social aspect of our app. this allows for users to chat with those who are close in the community and ask for tips and ingredients

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Group App Creation- First 3 interfaces

Here are the first of the user interfaces I created for our meal master app. The first is of the loading screen. The second is the menu screen with options for the social, recipes, inventory, help, scanner, and favorites within our app. The third is what the scanner will look like along with a menu containing the options of adding the foods scanned to the inventory as well as a calorie counter option for meals. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Audience for App

Sara is newly married and a full time college student. She is trying to balance maintain the household for her newly formed family, work a part time job, and survive her large school load while maintaining a high GPA. Since Sara and her husband both only have part time jobs and go to school full time they have a very minimal food budget. She is also very inexperienced with cooking and coming up with new tasteful meals. She tends to let food go to waste because she has very limited knowledge on varieties of meal options. It is hard for her to even find time to go to the store let alone find the cheapest option.

Meal Master will help Sara come up with new tasty menu ideas, help her create the dish step by step, give her options based on the ingredients she already has in her fridge, and always help her to find the cheapest option. The social media aspect of the help will help her connect to others in the community and help her newly formed family get settled and adjust to married life.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

App review- photoshop mix

This app is one I found to be highly entertaining and easy to use. Granted I probably don't use it as it was initially intended but I still love it! Photoshop mix was created by Adobe for graphic designers and photographers to easily combine and edit their photos on their portable devices. This app allows you to combine photos to create new and interesting pictures as well as the ability to create color differences and highlight certain aspects of a photo to portray your artistic ability. 

 While the images they provide are beautiful I went for a more... humorous approach...

This app allows the user to upload pictures from your device, easily crop out the image you wish to use, and even alter the image in regards to size and color to help you match the photos you are combining seamlessly.

The app requires IOS 7.0 or later and uses about 89MB. Adobe asks to collect a variety of information from your device, but all of it is pretty normal for any app to ask for. Most of it is in regards to monitor usability and function of the app as seen below. Adobe also provides information on what the companies uses your information for and where it is stored.

The cost of this app is free! (yay!) and in my opinion is worth it. Whether you want to poke fun at your family like I do or make beautiful pictures to market your epic skills like my husband ....

I think this app functions with ease and is very complex for being what it is. With more practice and an artistic eye this app could be very useful. I would recommend this app to anyone.

My 48 hour fast

Not going to lie, I was very hesitant towards turning off my phone and distancing myself from any outside connection to the world. I have become so dependent on the use of technology not just as a utility but as a comfort. In any awkward situation I can easily detach myself by browsing Facebook. I find it to be a necessity to keep track of my family and to know of their safety. I even use my phone for the simple function of a watch and alarm clock. So when I embarked on this challenge I made sure to cover all my bases. Dig out an old watch, make no appointments for 2 days, text all family members, and post the meaning of my absence on Facebook. I started my endeavor at approximately 11:20pm on Sunday March 15th. I had just flown into California and was settling into my dad's house out in the middle of no where. I figured this would be the best place to purge myself of all technology since it was a miracle if you even got cell service there in the first place. My first day was fairly easy. My dad thought this experiment was a prime opportunity to put me to work. So I spent the first day doing hard manual labor. I was charged with cutting down trees, dragging them into burn piles, and also installing new hardware floor at one of his rental properties. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't completely terrible. In fact I am grateful. I was so distracted I didn't have an issue leaving my phone behind. I think the hardest part of the day was when it came to an end. My nightly ritual of browsing Pinterest had to be replaced with reading a book. Which actually turned out to be far more enjoyable. I forgot how much I loved to really dive into a book with out any distractions. The 2nd day was similar to the first. More hard manual labor to take up my time. My family also decided to watch a few movies which I had to leave the room for. Thanks Netflix. At the end of my 48 hours I excitedly turned on my phone to see what I had missed... Which turns out to be not a lot. I was kind of disappointed. No one called or sent a text. No notifications on Facebook. I was bummed. It made me realize my extreme attachment to technology is meaningless. I got a lot more out of disconnecting from technology and actually spending time with my dad and my husband than I ever thought I would. I have actually been leaving my phone at home or even off most days thanks to this experience.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Best Device Review

Let me start off by saying that I have been searching and implementing different techniques and home remedies to help me not only get through my extremely busy days, but to also conquer the clinical depression and social anxiety I have been "blessed" with. My current routine is a lot of naps to calm the nerves and a lot of Diet Pepsi to wake me up and get me through the hectic day. This is probably not the best routine. That is why I was extremely interested and actually pretty excited when I came across the Thync mood-changing wearable.
And look it works with your phone!!! 

Thync is "Neurosignaling uses electronic or ultrasonic waveforms to signal neural pathways in the brain. When specific pathways are stimulated, they trigger a shift in your state of mind or energy level," says Will Shanklin from gizmag.com. By using an app on your phone and connecting it to pads that you place on your head you can become calm (after 15 minutes of use) or energized (after 20 minutes of use). When Shanklin tried out this device he first did the calming mood and said he could instantly see results. His communication slowed and his body relaxed. Shortly after he tried the energy mode. He instantly noticed foot tapping, increased communication, and the urge to get out and conquer the day. While you would think that that two moods would counteract each other, they actually work hand in hand. Shanklin stated that after trying both modes he felt calm and energized. the perfect combination for getting through the rest of the day. 

Necessary academic research has been done, according to the creators of this device, and there are no harmful side effects or addictive qualities. For some it may take 2 or 3 uses to get the full effect but there is also an option to change the intensity level of each mood. The device looks to be very promising with those dealing with depression, fatigue, drug disorders, or simply the want to feel fantastic! This device looks to be very promising and is set to launch in 2015. I am secretly hoping this device doesn't cost an absurd amount of money so I may purchase this awesomeness and kick my habit of Diet Pepsi drinking and frequent cat-napping.